Warms my soul and my hope
The still cool whispers
Stirring soft feathers ruffling 'round about
Then Your wind
– the wind no one else can begin –
Rattles the leaves and cracks the bark on the tree
My eyes squint toward the edge
– as far as beyond –
I think of your weaving
This frayed life, what You've knit in my days.
These dying leaves
These pecking birds
They don't plan but accept from your open hand.
Lord let my heart settle and be content
Let my trust grow deep like the roots of these trees
Lord let your wind heal the dryness and the sorrow
Blow these rattling leaves
Let my winter be burrowed in your blanket of love
Lord let your healing nourish these broken hopes and depths of loss.
These little bugs make their way from blossom to home
These brown blades of grass gleam golden in your light.
Even the wane of autumn proves your life and your brilliance.
© Jena Rutan 2015. All rights reserved.
Scripture references are from the NASB.